professor and teaching artist specializing in theatrical design
let’s explore, let’s inquire, let’s get messy, let’s create
teaching artist
Integrating drama in the classroom is a powerful and important tool for learning and growth. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve witnessed the ways that arts education can transform lives and grow young people into curious, empathetic, and confident humans. Theatre can teach us how to listen, how to be seen, how to work together as a team, how to learn something about ourselves and the world around us.
My work encompasses a wide variety of drama-based tools and techniques, but I specialize in theatrical design. Using skills developed while working as a professional costume designer, my workshops and residencies encourage students to delve into the world of scenery, costumes, lighting, sound, props, puppetry, and more… simultaneously fostering their skills of collaboration, creativity, time management, problem-solving, and imaginative play.
Residencies and Workshops Include: McCarter Theater Center, Pennsylvania Theatre Institute, Delaware Theatre Company, Arden Theatre Company, Trenton Senior High School, East Brunswick Vocational Technical High School, Kamiak High School, Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush, DOVES Residential Community Home.

My work with college students is consistently gratifying, challenging, humbling, and profoundly rewarding; it’s my favorite part of what I do. I am grateful for the gift of every young person entrusted to my care in my classroom.
I believe that college is a gymnasium in which to deepen our understanding of critical thought — a place where we can help students learn not what to think, but how and why to think. My pedagogy holds sacred that not knowing is an essential step on the journey to learning and growth (a huge discovery for a recovering know-it-all such as myself!) I want my students to be universally curious, and I attempt in my classroom to model that value. I foster rooms where “I don’t know, but I want to find out” is not a measure of inadequacy, but a beginning spark along a lifelong journey.
I have a soft spot for beginners and students in introductory classes - there’s something that continually excites me about helping students discover a new talent, sharpen a new idea, or follow an unexpected impulse. I value playfulness and joy in my work — and beginner classrooms often provide abundant opportunities for students to stumble into collaborative artmaking rich with possibility.
My students are centered in my work. Rigor is important, and it is critical infrastructure in my classroom; however, the humanity of my students comes first and foremost, always. No one can learn from a place of need, anxiety, or fear. I strive always to curate spaces which are warm, inclusive, and holistically responsive to the needs of the individuals and the collective whole.
I currently teach in a B.A. program (Temple University); a B.F.A. program (University of the Arts); and an Associate’s Degree program (Montgomery County Community College), and love geeking out about the potential rewards, challenges, and opportunities inherent in each programmatic structure.
kind words from student course evaluations
“She's so optimistic and in tune with how her students are feeling. She's honest, gives great feedback, and is extremely passionate about this course. She clearly cares a lot about our careers as artists, and welcomed me into her class despite me having no experience in theater.”
“Katherine has probably been one of the most eager and energetic instructors I've had at this school. She’s clear with what she’s trying to accomplish and is super down to earth.”
“Katherine took the time to give us specific and CRITICAL feedback which was amazing. She's an angel at helpful criticism and helpful compliments, and truly took the time to cater to each of us. We left wondering where she had been our whole lives.”
“This was my favorite class. Katherine is so kind and understanding of all our personal circumstances in this crazy period in time. I felt so safe to share my ideas and she is so good about giving feedback in a way that really builds you up and makes you want to move forward.”
“I LOVE KATHERINE!!!!! She is by far my favorite teacher, and dare I say, the best teacher I have ever had. I desperately needed someone to light the creative fire in me again, and she did that and more. I always looked forward to this class, even on difficult days, because Katherine's energy and positivity could cure any funk I was in.”
“She's so hype about everything she says, it's great.”