written & performed by Charlotte Ford, Lee Etzold, and Sarah Sanford
produced originally at LiveArts, 2012
Directed by Emmanuelle Delpech
Scenic by Dan Soule
Lighting by Oona Curley
Sound by Daniel Perelstein
"With oversize eyeglasses, sensible shoes and a backpack, her dark hair a riot of unruly curls, Barb is a buttoned-up, bookish type who has somehow been transported from the library where she was studying to this erotic playground. She is joined by the equally bewildered Gayle (Ms. Etzold), a suburban type in tacky white pumps and acid-washed jeans, and Cheyenne (Ms. Ford), the eternal flower child, with a curtain of dark hair to her waist and the lolloping gait of a wood sprite." -Charles Isherwood, New York Times
"Katherine Fritz’s costumes are spot on, describing and illustrating these people so completely and with such accurate detail that they give us an instant understanding of these people before they speak a word." -Leah Franqui, Staged